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Two Spirit Master Artist/Culture Bearer Workshop, with Aodhàn Crawford

Sat, Aug 26


Location is TBD

Two Spirit artist Aodhàn Crawford shares natural earth pigments on rabbit skin/hide, and Loop necklace making.

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Two Spirit Master Artist/Culture Bearer Workshop, with Aodhàn Crawford
Two Spirit Master Artist/Culture Bearer Workshop, with Aodhàn Crawford

Time & Location

Aug 26, 2023, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Location is TBD

About the event

**Space is limited to 20 participants. Please enroll early.  Because of limited spaces, we are prioritizing registration for  Indigenous Two Spirit community. All are invited to register and we will  let you know if allies will be able to attend. We will use your  registration email address to send further information including the  location of the event. If you have any questions, please email

Join  us for an afternoon for focusing on our Two Spirit artistry and  creativity with  Aodhàn Crawford. Two Spirit dancer and artist Aodhàn  Crawford will lead our community workshop with storytelling and hands-on  instruction and demonstration for two projects:

  • Using natural earth pigment paints on rabbit skin/hide

Mixing Earth pigment paints is an amazing process. Tattooing and  pressing the pigment into hides is a traditional way of painting that  will stick with you. We'll use rabbit hides for this class. Students can  use paint brushes, bone or sticks. Bring your own item to paint if you  wish (e.g. handrum, etc). We will have a powerpoint presentation on this  work.

  • Loop necklace making

Handcrafted, these are gorgeous pieces. We will work through the process together.


All materials for the art projects will be provided. You may want to bring something to take notes.

With participants approval, parts of the transformative practice will be recorded and documented.

Food  and drink will be served. There are no cost for this event! BAAITS  programming is made possible by our generous financial supporters. To  donate to BAAITS, please visit BAAITS.ORG.

This is our second  workshop series inviting Two Spirit and IndigeQueer Artists &  Culture Bearers to share their gift of artistry and medicine with other  members of our BAAITS community through in-person master workshops. Stay  tuned for BAAITS newsletter announcements for additional TS/IndigeQueer  Artists & Culture Bearers we are lining up for the rest of the  year.

Our Artist Master Workshop series and all our BAAITS  programming are created by and for Indigenous Two Spirit &  Indigequeer TG/GNC LGBQIA+ peoples, and we ask everyone to be respectful  of this focus.

Please follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Eventbrite to receive notices of our upcoming programming.

Bay  Area American Indian Two-Spirits (BAAITS) exists to restore and recover  the role of Two-Spirit people within the American Indian/First Nations  community by creating a forum for the spiritual, cultural and artistic  expression of Two-Spirit people.


Aodhàn Crawford He/him/they/them/she/her

My  name is pronounced “Ooo-Hen” I’m Native American and Gael. I’m an  enrolled Citizen of The United Cherokee Aniyunwia Tribe (State  recognized tribe of approx 3,000 people) I am the product of Two amazing  tribal and clan based people. My Family traces our heritage to the  Hester roll and Guion Miller Roll. My Cherokee family ties originated in  the Carolinas. Campbell, Smith, Hightower, Murphy and other family  names located around the Spartansburg trade routes. My Great Great Great  grandfather Issac (Photo to the right) served in WW1 to obtain his  United States citizenship and was marked as Indian Citizen on his draft  card documents. We also have more Native and Scottish relatives back in  the 1700’s. The Vann Family was caught in the middle of the Fur trade  towards the end of the Powhatan Confederacy and eventually married into  the King family (Cherokee) I have been making my native crafts since the  age of 9. I am Adopted Lakota and spend a lot of my time researching  family history and ever curious I am always seeking traditional  knowledge to share with others along the way. Culture is often complex,  being multicultural is also deeply complex. I identify as Native and  Gael to encompass all of my clans and leave those doors open to both of  my cultures.

I was born Female and transitioned at 26 to  Aodhan. I identify as Two-Spirit, and embrace both my female and male  sides. The traditional Cherokee word for me is Nudle Asgaya, meaning, to  be a different spirited Man. However I am not an active member of a  Stomp ground, nor do I live in a Cherokee Community so it is hard for me  to identify as Nudle Asgaya or even Cherokee without having the  communal responsibility of such a title or ties to the communities and  not being a fluent speaker of the language. To sell my art I must be an  enrolled tribal member of a state or federally recognized tribe, and I  am that. The best we can do is navigate through the difficult waters and  learn to sail our ships till calmer tides. I am Cherokee and Powhatan,  House of Crawford, Clan Fraser and Clan Campbell by blood, yet was  raised Lakota, I am adopted Lakota and my work reflects all of my  ancestors and adopted relations. I am lucky to have had the teachers and  community I have had. I started this business when I was 18 years old.

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